Heroes Acre

Khomas (Windhoek)

Brief History: Inaugurated on 26th August 2002. Constructed as a need to foster the spirit of patriotism and nationalism and to pass this on to future generations. It's the place where National heroes and heroines are remembered. The Hereroes were pushed to extinction during the uprising of 1904-1907. In 1960 when Namibia petitioned to UN for independence from SA occupation that imposed apartheid rules, 1966 it became apparent to the Namibian delegation that the South African governement policy was designed to delay any attempts of Namibian independence. 26 August is a public holiday commemorating the beginning of the armed struggle by SWAPO who in 1966 attacked South African forces at Ongulumbashe, declaring a state of war between the Peoples Liberation Army of Namibia and South African colonial regime. Many freedom fighters were women. Victory was realised on 21/03/1990 when the SA flag was lowered and Namibia’s first national flag fluttered overhead.

Legal Status: Proclaimed 20.08.2002 by the National Monuments Council of Namibia (NMC, National Monuments Act 1969, No. 28)

Information provided by the National Heritage Council of Namibia.

For places offering food


